
·        Cadastral Surveys Services
Our cadastral mapping services support boundary definition, registration and documentation easements. road and highway definition, right-of-way planning and mapping, land parcel and subdivision mapping , retracement surveys, and electric power generation, transmission, and distribution facilities.
·        Construction and Engineering Survey
We provides expert, specialized engineering and construction survey services to contractors, developers, and industrial companies, including services for major plant site design-build projects and smaller construction projects. Our specialties include commercial and industrial buildings, resource processing facilities, bridges, roads, dams, and municipal infrastructure. We enhance construction cost efficiencies by establishing precise project control systems and structural layout based on a careful analysis of the client’s requirements.
·        Engineering Survey Services
-        Horizontal and vertical site control
-        Topographic surveys
-        As-built surveys
-        Hydrographic surveys
-        Pre-engineering surveys and site surveys
-        Layout for earthquake and civil works
-        Volume/quality measurements
-        Precise layout for equipment replacement
-        Pile layout, foundation lines, and column lines
-        Real-time differential (DGPS) GPS application
·        Facilities Mapping Services
-        Mapping of electric power generation, transmission, and distribution facilities
-        Planning and monitoring of municipal infrastructure
-        Resource processing facilities, bridges, roads, and dams
·        Survey Equipment
-        Total Stations
-        Digital Level
-        CHC RTK GPS
-        Total stations
·        Software
-        Autodesk AutoCAD
-        Surfer
-        Microsoft Office
-        Data Downloading Software
·        Recent Projects
Geomartins & Associate has undertaken numerous projects, some of our recent projects are outlined below:-
-        Perimeter and Topographical survey of Oakwood Residential Estate, Ibeju Lekki Lagos State. (75 Hectares)
-        Perimeter Survey of MUNETO CONCEPT NIG. LTD property at Mukore Village off Lagos - Ibadan Express Way, Ogun State. ( 150 Acres)
-      Geotechnical, Topographical & Detail Survey of Heritage Residential Estate, Ibeju Lekki, Lagos State (44 Hectares)
-  Perimeter survey of ABUDU GAFARI OLOWOPOROKU ROYAL FAMILY Land at Fadagbuwa-Oriba Village, by Eleran Igbe, Epe Lagos
-        Perimeter survey of AGORO FAMILY, HASSAN FAMILY & JINADU FAMILY at Okun-Solu Orunmija Village, Ibeju-Lekki Lagos. (105 Hectares)
-        Route Survey of Ipaja Ayobo road for Lagos State Government.
·        International Projects
We are willing to undertake projects internationally and are presently working in taking one.
v  All our surveys are presented in CAD formats as dictated by our clients to allow immediate integration with engineering & design package.Our expertise in developing Customized Software and Information Systems has allowed us to satisfy our clients whose need is to make efficient and effective use of their computers.


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